• Rory rewards epic trick shot

    Rory McIlroy named Shane O’Hara from Sligo as the winner of the #RoryTrickShot competition and with a place in the Irish Open Pro Am.

    Shane spent hours perfecting his #RoryTrickShot and timed it exactly to McIlroy’s winning shot from last year on screen. The level of detail that went into this is out of this world!

    The winner of the #RoryTrickShot competition is Shane O’Hara from Sligo (living in Bristol). Congratulations @thepostman3141! Shane will be playing in the #DDFIrishOpen #ProAm in #Portstewart next Wednesday and will be staying at @blackrockbbportrush for 2 nights. Shane spent hours perfecting his #RoryTrickShot and timed it exactly to @rorymcilroy’s shot on screen. The level of detail that went into this is out of this world! Thank you to everyone who submitted their entries. The standard has been incredible. We’re looking forward to seeing Shane on the course next week!

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